Mr Cameron Davies-Husband

14 reviews


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Written by a NHS patient at Queen Victoria Hospital
19th August 2021

I went to see Dr Cameron Davies-Husband after two months of developing a polyp on my uvula. I was told by my GP that it needed to be removed. I was concerned that it would take time and even though it’s was benign it was uncomfortable and made me swallow constantly. Cameron is a highly professional, sincere and caring consultant. He put me straight at ease and destressed me instantly, by talking through the procedure with me and answering all my questions. Within a couple of weeks the polyp was removed by general anaesthetic. The op and recovery were exactly as described by him. I was concerned that I would be in pain afterwards but my recovery only took a week. I highly recommend Cameron. He’s an excellent consultant who made my life so much better. I feel very grateful to him. Thank you

Written by a NHS patient at Queen Victoria Hospital
18th May 2021

I met Dr Husband a month ago when I was referred to him as I found a lump on my tonsil. This Doctor is just extraordinary, he welcome you with a big smile he make you feel like everything is taking care of. He checked me and found that what I had was a papiloma. Dr Husband is honest and will be always transparent on what he thinks.. I asked him the big question... Is it Cancer... He advised me that it did not look at all but they will do a biopsy to make sure I am all clear. Before my operation I was super anxious Dr Husband took the time to talk to me and explain to me what was the surgery was going to be about.. And everything went well. Papiloma removed beautifully and now we are just waiting for the results of the biopsy. He even came to see me after the op and reassured me it all went good

Written by a NHS patient at Queen Victoria Hospital
29th April 2021

In February 2021 an ultrasound scan organised by my GP identified suspicious growths in my neck. I am fortunate that I have BUPA through work and I saw Mr Davies-Husband in late February 2021, the initial appointment was thorough, including an endoscopy and he moved quickly to organise more detailed scans and biopsies. At all points during the process he spent time explaining everything to me in a clear and logical way, as an Engineer something I very much appreciate. Unfortunately, the scan and biopsy identified Thyroid cancer. His focus was always totally on me and my care putting this at the forefront of his approach; he recommended that he transfer me to his NHS list and operate at the Queen Victoria Hospital East Grinstead due to the expertise on hand at the QVH. He operated on me on the 23rd March 2021 removing my Thyroid completely. I cannot recommend Mr Davis-Husband highly enough, his professionalism coupled with his easy manner, meant that I was fully engaged with, and informed at every stage of the process. Without doubt his prompt response and diagnosis saved my life and I will be forever grateful to him and his colleagues. Should you find yourself in a similar situation I would not hesitate to recommend that you choose Mr Cameron Davies-Husband as your specialist.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen Victoria Hospital
29th April 2021

In February 2021 an ultrasound scan organised by my GP identified suspicious growths in my neck. I am fortunate that I have BUPA through work and I saw Mr Davis-Husband in late February 2021, the initial appointment was thorough, including an endoscopy and he moved quickly to organise more detailed scans and biopsies. At all points during the process he spent time explaining everything to me in a clear and logical way, as an Engineer something I very much appreciate. Unfortunately, the scan and biopsy identified Thyroid cancer.

Written by a private patient at The Montefiore Hospital
29th March 2021

Mr. Davies-Husband was very friendly, kind and knowledgeable and he solved my reason for visiting, covering all angles and laying to rest any fears that I had. He explained each step of the process very clearly and he was also very clear explaining the costs of any procedures and the impact this would have on my outpatient insurance policy. I would definitely recommend him to others and hopefully I won't need to visit him again anytime soon but if needed I would not hesitate. Thank you! Tom.


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